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Friday, April 2, 2010

Phiten Friendly

I've heard of this invention before and I've seen that it is endorsed and used mainly by athletes. Being a yogi and athlete as well, I was kind of doubtful that this product would work. Now with my right wrist feeling a "tingling pain" every time I finished my yoga practice or during a round of golf, I now know that from my research and much asking from friends who experience the same sensations I do, that I am prone to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), and showing gradual signs of it. I am beginning to rethink my skepticism on the bracelet and just go out and buy one.

Since late 2008, I have already been experiencing a "pins and needles" sensation on my dominant hand, which is my right wrist. When it is accidentally brushed or tapped, The "tingling pain" feels like a hundred volts of electricity just passed all throughout my hand and all the way up to my middle fingertip. When it gets hit, it makes me jolt the same way like touching a very hot pan. Believe me it is a very uncomfortable feeling. I am still very thankful though that my left wrist is still fine and that I am really trying my best to take care of it by not abusing it. Since hand surgery is the last thing on my mind, I am so glad that a very good friend of mine taught me the cold compress therapy. And to confirm this, I was lucky enough to meet a doctor in Singapore who plays golf and specializes on the hands and wrists, agrees that the cold compress therapy is the best way to go. He says that everyone are prone to CTS. And by being aware of it early, could help prevent our wrists from heading in that direction and then later on lead to surgery. I feel that after it is iced, the "tingling pain" has subsided.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? According to the CTS website (, the carpals are the bones you feel when you touch your wrist. In the wrist is the carpal tunnel, which is enclosed by the carpals on three sides, and the fourth side, by a transverse carpal ligament. Within this narrow space, is not only the median nerve, but also 9 flexor tendons. These tendons help you bend your wrists. As you can imagine, its a pretty tight squeeze. If for some reason the carpal tunnel is too small, or if the tendons within the tunnel become larger, your meridian nerve will be compressed.

It is through the median nerve that you get sensation in your thumb, forefinger, middle finger and part of your ring finger. When the median nerve is compressed, sensations to these fingers will begin to reduce, you will begin to feel a sort of numbness, or a tingling-- rather like your hand is falling asleep. When you bend your wrist, to form a right angle, the carpal tunnel becomes much narrower. Most activities we do require a lot of wrist bending. Keeping it bent for long periods of time--like when you are typing-- compresses the median nerve and causes the symptoms of CTS. Repeated stress on wrist could also injure your tendons in the carpal tunnel. This makes the already narrow space even narrower and can cause the median nerve to be compressed.

Symptoms of CTS:

1. Numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the thumb and fingers, particularly the index and middle fingers which are affected by the median nerve.

2. Pain in the hands or wrists.

3. Loss of dexterity or gripping strength.

4. Pain in the arm and shoulder.

5. Swelling of the hand, which often increases at night because of the way of the hand is positioned during sleep.

Now that I am consciously aware of the "wear and tear" of our wrists, and since I am "big " on alternative health therapies, the cold compress is the best in alleviating the discomfort and swelling at this early stage for me. Exercising my wrists too helps prevent and manage CTS. This is why before a yoga practice, or even during a non-active day, I do hand exercises to strengthen my wrists. And after a yoga practice or playing golf, I immediately apply this therapy to keep them from being inflamed. Once the tendons are back to normal, carpal tunnel is back to normal too.

Commonly Recommended Exercises to Prevent and Manage CTS (and what I do at home):

1. Wrist range of motion (dorsiflexion/palmer flexion). Place forearm on a table with wrist off the edge, palm down. Bend hand downward as far as possible, then upward. Repeat 5 or 10 times.

2. Pronation/Supination. Place forearm and whole hand on table, palm flat on table top. Turn wrist so back of hand is flat on the table. Repeat 5 or 10 times.

3. Flexed forearm stretch with palm down. Without raising the shoulders, extend the affected arm straight out in front of the body, and slowly, gently bend the wrist down with the free hand. Keep the fingers over the knuckles of the bent hand, not over the fingers. A stretch in the forearm muscles and wrist should be felt. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 0r 10 times.

4. Flexed forearm stretch with fist. Repeat number 3 but with a fist this time, then bend the wrist down. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 or 10 times.

5. Forearm stretch with palm back. Extend the arms to the side, palms facing backward. Simply bend the wrists back. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 or 10 times. This makes a good stretch for the forearms.

6. Neck stretch. Sit or stand with head facing forward. Tilt the head down as far to the right as possible (right ear to right shoulder) and hold for 5 seconds. Place your right hand on the left trapezius muscle (between the neck and the shoulder joint) to increase the stretch. Repeat 3 to 5 times. Do the same for the other side.

7. Shoulder shrug and rotation. Stand with arms on the side. Lift shoulders to ears and squeeze shoulders back, stretch them down and then roll them forward. Do the whole rotation slowly. Repeat 3 to 5 times. If you cannot do the whole rotation, shrug your shoulders up and down.(

Then just out of the blue, I remembered the product Phiten, and how almost everyone I know uses it and swears by it. I decided to give it a try and see for myself. Apparently, all Phiten creations are embedded with micro titanium spheres and aqua titanium. The titanium metal used is actually one of the strongest metals, yet also the friendliest to our bodies (this is why I am all for it). It does not cause allergic reactions or irritation, and instead transports the body's natural energy to help relax stiff muscles and increase blood circulation. For the hands and wrists, it helps relieve tension.

The first time I've worn the bracelet, I was instantly amazed. I am happy to say that I did not feel that "electrical pain" as I tried tapping my right wrist. It may be too early to tell since I've only been wearing the bracelet for four days now. But when I tried it right away during my yoga practice, I felt none of that uncomfortable feeling after. Since practicing yoga entails a lot of wrist use, so does golf. I"m pretty sure it will work just as well when I go back to playing. Of course I will still continue to cold compress my wrists after any sort of repeated stress. I think that having to cold compress and wearing Phiten at the same time, may just go hand in hand. And maybe also help prevent my wrists from having CTS. I guess being the "sigurista" that I am. I want to be absolutely sure that none of my nerves in my wrists are swollen.

It feels great to know that I am finally able to discover something that helps relieve me from my wrist discomfort, and if I continue to use it, maybe it will help in the healing process without the need for medication, drugs or even invasive treatments. In conclusion, I am starting to believe in the product. Therefore, all I could say is, to people who have the same condition as I do, go out and give Phiten a try. They come in necklaces too and in great sporty colors. Some may say it to be a placebo. But fake cure or not, it's not that expensive, its non-invasive and for me, it works! So what have you got to lose?

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