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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Practice In Paris

After much focus on my dearest husband's golfing week, I was able to finally find my "me" time even for just two days by getting some yoga practice done. I found two shalas which was close to our hotel. Even if it were cold inside the studio, it was still a treat to have shared energies with fellow Parisians on the mat. Ashtanga, no matter where you are, no matter how it is relayed, it is the same sequence everywhere you go.

Day 1: First shala: Samasthiti Studio. My teacher: Caroline Boulinguez.

This was a delightful practice for a led class. And for the first time I was able to touch base with the second series. It wasn't all of the asanas but instead bits and pieces of them taken out of primary and the secondary. It was just great! I loved how she put the poses together! I know that I haven't mastered the full primary yet, but for once I didn't feel stuck. I was able to venture out into some of the poses of secondary which I know I can do. It was a great practice. I felt light in spirit and inspired coming out of the class. Another great discovery that I will surely take with me home to practice in a future Mysore class, and perhaps even teach in a led class.

Thank you Caroline!

Day 2: Second shala: Ashtanga Yoga in Paris. My teacher: Linda Munro

Sadly, this just felt too rigid and serious for my taste. I felt more constricted rather than free flowing despite a Mysore class. I thought the beauty of a Mysore class was to learn more from a teacher's focus and adjustments on a student, and that you are free to ask for help getting into a pose. Apparently, I didn't feel that energy whatsoever. What I felt instead, was the teacher's fear and extreme caution. Like she was afraid of too many things for me. So instead of an invigorating practice, I honestly felt cut back and discouraged. We also sort of clashed on our theories on back bending. Thanks to her, I fell hard on my back on the drop backs.
Aside from her fearing for me, it was also judgmental of her to tell me what I can or cannot do. I was taken aback by her opinion of me. Was giving me modified options or steps on getting into a pose too much to ask? I'm sorry to say that her instincts of me as her first time student felt negative.

Nevertheless, I always try to see the good in everything else. Hence, I was still able to learn a new technique despite an unfulfilling practice on my part. Seeing that the flow of my practice was disrupted, my only consolation after much hinting with her, was that she finally was able to teach me very helpful steps on easing into kourmasana (even if she felt I wasn't ready for it). I know that every yoga advice in Ashtanga is different when you attend classes with different teachers. But my motto is, you'll never know until you've tried it, right? At least share the steps on how to get there is what I think. Anyway, all I can do then is take whatever I can that applies to me. And what she taught me, was very helpful in my practice of the tortoise pose. I thank her for that.

In conclusion, after my short practice here in Paris, new knowledge was gained. I look forward to sharing this when I head home. OM!

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