All babies are unique indeed! Case and point: my very spirited daughter, Chandra!
As soon as my baby girl learned how to crawl, sit up straight, stand up and is now discovering how to walk, suddenly cuddling and hugging has become out of the question.
It's a challenge now having to just hug her and even make her lie down in my arms. She gets furious and really squirms her way out of there. To me, It looks like she's afraid of missing out on the exciting things. It's like she doesn't want to waste anytime being cuddled when there is so much to see and play with. The only cuddle time I get from her is when I give her the bottle (which is the only time she can sit still on my lap), when I'm holding something in my hand and she's trying to take it, or when she is really tired and sleepy.
Its a little hard to accept that maybe my baby really isn't a cuddler? or a hugger? But instead an active explorer, who is an independent little soul.
I know I should be happy with these traits my baby is radiating but sometimes I just can't help being a mom that wants to be needed.
To make me feel better, I'd like to think that because she knows where the love is coming from and we've made her feel safe and secure enough are the reasons why she is who she is. And all I can do is respect that and hope
that one day when she's older, she would at least want some cuddles from us.
To all parents: What are your baby's unique traits? - Infinite Blessings Beautiful Soul! Hari OM!
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