Light stories and heartfelt experiences of anything under the sun, the moon and stars that constantly keep me happy, productive and inspired.


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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Memorable Switzerland

I just remembered that I have written about this memorable experience and just realized that I am actually blogging. This adventure transpired last 2009 and I have decided to put this one part of my entry (from my journal) as the beginning of my travel blogs. (thanks Monix!)I know that this came about really late and it seems that the moment has already passed but as the cliche' goes, better late than never. Here is my take on this beautiful country and why it makes number one on our list of favorite countries visited.

Crans Montana

Having married a Professional Golfer, my husband and I are blessed enough to go to places in parts of the world that are not very “touristy.” During our recent travel we went to this one particular part in Switzerland called Crans Montana (pronounced “crawh”). It is actually a ski resort located in the Swiss Alps in the Valaise. According to my research in the Wikipedia, it is located on a plateau and is 1500 meters above sea level.

The moment I set foot I was immediately astounded. All I could think of was: ‘now this is God’s creation!” It was my first time to see mountains and lakes coalesce. Heading towards our rented apartment, on the backseat of our chauffered limo, ipod on hand, I was listening to Panis Angelicus. The music combined with the magnificent view just brought me to tears. And as we were spiraling our way up the Alps we came across endless vineyards which were just at the side of the road looking delightfully enchanting. The moment we reached our destination I couldn’t help but notice how the air was so clean, fresh and cold! Not a single litter on the cobbled streets. Instead you find fresh flowers in beautiful colors all bunched up in wooden canoes like pots in every street corner you go into. Obviously, I am in awe how well the people care so much for the preservation and beautification of their own country and make it one of the scenic spots in the world.

The locals are French speaking and the friendliest I’ve ever met. Every service you get from hotel accommodations to bar and restaurants is such a delight. The locals never fail to add such a charming touch. You can’t help but to gallantly tip them for just being sincerely nice. Another thing my husband and I had the pleasure of trying was their Valaise cheese 65 which makes up the “raclette cheese.” It is made from unpasteurized milk from their cows that graze in their rich alpine meadows and is “cooked up” with such tender love and care. How to eat this delectable kind of dish is that they put a slab in a “raclette” tray and melt it under a special hot grill. Once the top part has melted, they scrape it off and pour it over a plate where you can eat it with potato or bread or have them pour it directly on top of them. Interestingly enough, the term “raclette” is from the French word “racler” which means to scrape off. Trust me, one must eat this and this only without ordering anything else on the side. It is already a meal in itself. It is quite the filling and delicious dish. Another side trip we took was going up the mountain of Plaine Morte. Reaching the top is about 3,000 feet. For mortal tourists like us, we went up via cable car. But this mountain is actually "climb-able." According to our guide, his name was Pierrot, this mountain is his training ground to make part of the team to climb Mt. Everest. The moment you reach the top, there awaits a quaint cafe. Nothing beats a mug of Swiss hot chocolate and a view to enjoy after that.

…Amidst my endless admiration of such a breathtaking place, somewhere in there exists a golf course located in Crans Sur Sierre which is one of the villages in Crans Montana. Who knew? The people to my surprise are quite the golf fanatics. I only just found out that the tournament my husband was playing in is quite known. It is the place that is popularly known to host the Omega European Masters. Apparently, it has been held there every year without fail ever since it started in 1923 up to today. Aside from the golfing, Crans Montana is also known as one of the glitziest part in Switzerland because shopping is not exactly cheap, and because it is one of the many visited destinations of the rich but not exactly famous. I describe this magnificent place as a “happening mountain.” There were many things to do like skiing, golfing, shopping, gambling and wining and dining. Switzerland is also known for being a tax haven so you have popular sports celebrities buying chalets and living there. I was just star struck to know that Roger Moore owned one of the chalets that was close by the apartment we stayed in.

Another reason why this experience has been very significant was because my husband played his best golf ever there. We did not win but representing our flag in foreign soil (especially Europe) is always a source of pride. After such an enjoyable trip, I have made it a point in my life to take full advantage of every place I go to now. I used to take my travels for granted thinking that it is enough to say that I have been there but not actually being able to “see” the place. Now I have been inspired to take it upon myself to “see,” and to at least take the time to learn about the different people, cultures, food and even religion in a place I get the opportunity to visit. It is always a privilege to be able to experience these moments. It is up to me on how to make it special. With that said, I know now that I want to make every traveling exposure count. I bring my camera with me at all times, but sometimes the pictures I take do not quite do justice to its actuality. But even without pictures, now I know that I can write about it. My heart and mind has captured something extraordinary and will always remain with me to share. Maybe this year we may go back again and just maybe I could try skiing this time! I owe this inspiration from just one memorable trip that happened in a special place called Crans Montana in Switzerland.


  1. maybe next time bring your youngest brother and his friend? :) lol.

    sounds and looks beautiful! you have a way with words tracy - must run in the family :)

  2. aww really Pi? I always thought mine was the simplest of all. But Thanks hun. I could never be as verbose as Princess Lei Lei though..=) I couldn't even if I tried. =) hahahaha! xoxo


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