Light stories and heartfelt experiences of anything under the sun, the moon and stars that constantly keep me happy, productive and inspired.


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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An Unending Journey

After having gone through a yoga teacher training last 2009 that took place in the beautiful island of Boracay, I am finally able to put my education into something that is constructive and gratifying.

I was just recently given the opportunity to join a yoga association of teachers and students who share one thing in common: their love for practice! But this time, I have been asked to become a part of their "teachers' pool" now. Don't get me wrong, I will forever be a student of yoga. I just feel honored to have been given the opportunity to help spread yoga and its awakening to those who seek to try it. And, I am only happy to travel this new path together with my fellow teachers and students.

As an apprentice for now, I started observing and assisting just last Monday. I have to say that it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. As a student, I am being adjusted by my teacher during a mysore class and during a led class, we follow the teacher. How hard could it be, right? All I needed to do was to remember how the teachers "fixed" me in Mysore, and in a Led class, to just say what they usually say. Wrong! Even if it were just watching, it was an entirely different experience! Before, I had never really noticed much the person beside me. That's what yoga does. It helps heighten your focus and turns your senses inward. But being on the other shoe, going around and observing everyone was quite a refreshing change. I was also learning as I was watching my fellow yogis in action. It amazed me to see how unique each and every one of my classmates were on a pose and in their practice. The structure and sequence in an Ashtanga class are all the same but how it was performed by every one in the room was entirely different. In mysore, having had to adjust their different bodies and to be able to be on that same "wave length" with them at the same time was the biggest challenge of all! All I could say is, kudos to all the yoga teachers around the world! Now I know that it is not that easy to surrender to this kind of demand. Phew! This calling sure does take a lot out of you!

As a new yoga teacher, little by little I am finding myself becoming more aware now of every students body type and their needs. To meet them halfway, I guess you just have to open yourself up more to their needs and accept that you can only do so much to assist them in their journey...

As a seasoned practitioner myself, I find that another major thing considered in a teacher is gaining a students' trust. I know that this does not come easy and is developed in time. But I know that one day, with the help of my great teachers, I will overcome all these obstacles of shyness and self-consciousness (when you tentatively adjust a student in their pose) and finally have that sureness in myself. Lastly, aside from finding that confidence and intuition for each student and where they are in their practice, as a teacher, it is also my responsibility to bring in an active and positive energy into the room. And from that energy, it helps a great deal to put it out there -- an approachable vibe to the class. Not only does this make the students enthusiastic to learn, it continuously keeps them inspired and coming back for more.

I'm actually excited! I know that this will all be great! I look forward to welcoming the teaching challenges of everyday and charging it all to experience. And I know that one day I am certain that I will get the hang of it and be good at what I am most passionate about-- yoga, and being an instructor of it.

The knowledge I gained from my teacher training exposure is certainly a beautiful blessing. I lovingly thank my mentors and all my tt classmates for making this experience the start of my unending journey. As a student, I hope to never cease to learn, and as a teacher, I offer my services to those willing to learn.

Gate, gate paragate, parasamgate, bodhisvaha!!

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