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Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Day Of Iyengar Yoga (part II)

Iyengar 101- All I can say is, Rina Ortiz rocks!
Nobody has put Iyengar yoga in a much better perspective than her. It was like learning yoga all over again but in a more conscious method this time around!

Even if it were just the basics, the workshop was another one of those eye-opening experiences that allow you to get to know your body once again..

We took in by heart her concise verbal cues. Executing poses that entailed using the right muscles, and correct alignment. Also, while establishing equality by working both the right and left side of the body, it is of utmost importance to carry out the poses with equanimity.
To help enable us to accomplish this goal, aside from her, conveying her accurate understanding on the anatomy of the body, we also made use of a lot of yoga props to get there. Using props is what Iyengar yoga is really known for. The reason behind this style is that it can help you come into the pose properly, and so you could stay in it much longer with ease.

With her gift of gab, she also managed to bring out realizations of the soul which we needed to be reminded of again and again. A consciousness that is applicable not only in our yoga practice but in our daily lives as well.

One I like best and that really hit the spot for me was (I'm paraphrasing here): "Intelligence comes from awareness. We practice awareness so we don't create violence to ourselves and even to others. Intelligence alone can lead to arrogance which is its closest cousin. So by being aware, it gives us the ability to act intelligently." Makes a lot of sense, right?


Lastly, I must say too, that with this constructive activity going on, I have observed that everyone was quite focused today. I could tell that there was a lightness of mind for all the students including myself. I think I speak for all who attended the class that chaotic thoughts were at bay for 3 1/2 hours. I shall quote her by saying what she said earlier: "We were able to move our frontal brain into the back of the head which is the organic brain." Everybody was enjoying the energy of the present and were in full concentration mode. We experienced "pratyahara" for half a day. This means that we have taken a step in turning our senses inward.

I am so happy that this workshop came about. I am blessed to be able to cross paths with her. The knowledge and vigor she brought with her to the class was amazing. I am thankful to her for sharing this branch of enlightenment that has a direct impact not only on the mat but in life itself.

"I salute my gurus and I salute the divine light within." OM SHANTI!

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