Light stories and heartfelt experiences of anything under the sun, the moon and stars that constantly keep me happy, productive and inspired.


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Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Healthy Holiday Treat

This week has not only been an advanced teacher training for me, (on a different aspect this time called prenatal yoga), this has also become a healthy retreat for both Angel and I. While here, we love the fact that we awake to the view of the beach everyday, we love that by walking it only takes 15 seconds to get to the retreat center and the beach. And best of all, we look forward to waking up to a delicious and sattvic buffet for brunch, dinner and even dessert!

Having to take this "add-on" course, just made me relive my Greenpath yoga teacher training experience all over again. With the same outline, it was so easy to get comfortable right away.

So, for a week, my day starts out at 7am everyday for meditation and pranayama. Then from 8 to 10am, a mysore class with other fellow ashtangis (who are here for other reasons), follow. Then I eat, swim in a salt water pool or the beach, and get to chill with hubby for 3 lovely hours. Then, starting from 2 until 4pm, my classmates and I start our prenatal lecture with Sonja. Then, from 4 to 6pm, our course practical. And 6pm onwards, swim, eat and chill all over again. This has been our schedule for the whole week. How good is that? :)

While my darling Angel lets me be in my quest to learn, he too has been maximizing his stay. To regenerate himself and wash away all the negative build-up, he has taken on relaxing his mind through long walks on the beach. And on his own, practices some deep breathing and meditation. Not only that, I am so proud he gave the effort to join yoga restorative classes, and even prouder for avoiding meat for the whole duration of his stay! I know that things will go back to normal once we leave this place, but at least he was able to detox in some way and breathe in new life once again before the 2nd half of his golfing season starts.
Go hubby! :)

Ahh, the bliss of it all here in Yoga Thailand. I am so grateful and thankful for this amazing opportunity. Not only do I feel blessed to be taught by Sonja Rzepski, our wonderful guru, she has also become our friend and mentor. Meeting new, and international friends is also another boon to be thankful for. And because there is only 7 of us in the class, there is much more of a personal connection involved.

How one week just flies. Our training has now come to an end. To finish with a bang, we designed our blueprint for a class, followed by a written exam (which we all aced) and a mini graduation on the beach! :)

Learning and at the same time restoring. This certainly was a holistic treat for the both of us. Healing from the inside out gave us a renewed sense of inspiration to keep on improving on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. This yoga retreat has somehow also restored our impaired view of many things, and has given us some sort of inner clarity with ourselves. In a way, we are reminded all over again on our journey towards self-awareness, love and acceptance. And most of all, this has recharged our batteries to take on once again the challenges of the chaotic world.

For Angel and I who have somehow turned into health conscious travelers, we will try our best to always make it a point in our lives to continue with our wellness adventure. This has taught us that it really is best to take some time out, and breathe, and make life anew.

I am grateful for all things around me and most of all I am forever thankful to my beloved husband and his eternal support of me in all the things I do. This blog is for you. I love you! Your patience and kindness never cease to overwhelm me.


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